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Jellyfish in Space

UFOs that look like jellyfish have been reported in the skies, going back to at least 1954. Recently Micah A. Hanks wrote about a 1954 sighting, sharing with us a delightful Fortean insight into the esoteric symbolism of the jellyfish. (See Attack of the Flying Gople: UFOs, Jellyfish and Arthurian Witches ) On January 28th of this year, Norway skies, not satisfied with the blue spiral thing in their skies a short time previously, gave us a spectacular vision of a jellyfish object. This past June, a jellyfish symbol appeared, not in the skies but in the ground, as a crop circle. In Oxfordshire, England, a beautiful and intricate jellyfish design crop circle appeared; 600 feet long, the "circle" was said to be roughly three times the usual size for a crop circle.

From an esoteric or Fortean view, the idea of jellyfish signs in the sky and the ground invokes "as above, so below." UFOs above -- do they cause the crop circles below?

Jellyfish Swarms

In the oceans, jellyfish swarms continue. They congregate in huge groups, and come up against the walls of nuclear power plants, or disrupt commercial fishing. In Japan for example giant jellyfish invasions cause problems every spring. Scientists explanation: global warming, climate changes, ocean temperatures warming, attractions to the offal from nuclear plants. Jellyfish are not only disguising themselves as UFOs, swarming and invading the edges of the seas, but becoming immortal:

Immortal" Jellyfish Swarm World's Oceans

A potentially "immortal" jellyfish species that can age backward—the Benjamin Button of the deep—is silently invading the world's oceans, swarm by swarm, a recent study says. . .when starvation, physical damage, or other crises arise, "instead

of sure death, [Turritopsis] transforms all of its existing cells into a younger state," said study author Maria Pia Miglietta, a researcher at Pennsylvania State University.

Jellyfish and Mars

Dr. Evils from the Just Because We Can Big Pharma Globalist Corporate Illuminati Cabal (or simply, "them") have crossed jellyfish genes with all kinds of things: "Jellyfish genes in corn, rhododendrons, Bermuda grass, pink bollworms, and rice." as (Weird Science: The Brave New World Of Genetic Engineering, reports. In 2004 scientists in Florida merged fluorescent jellyfish genes with mustard plants. The jellyfish gene caused the plants to glow green when in distress. The purpose of this is part of NASA’s plan to put humans on Mars:

Researchers say a genetically altered mustard plant that glows when it's in trouble could be an important step toward the human colonization of Mars. . . University of Florida scientists spliced a fluorescent gene from a jellyfish into the Arabidopsis mustard plant anticipating that it will activate the glow under adverse conditions such as drought or disease. By studying these effects, they hope to begin discovering how to sustain plant -- and eventually human -- life on Mars. . . "For this part of the experiment, the question is, 'What plants grow on Mars and what can we do with the genetic engineering of plants so when we send them there as our first live ambassadors to another planet, they can talk back to us,'" Ferl said.

In 1999, Ferl's group sent 40 glowing plants into orbit aboard a space shuttle. The plants suffered from "space adaptation syndrome," but survived. Like humans, the plants suffered but survived an assimilation process in the new environment.

A kid friendly version explaining why NASA sends jellyfish into space appears on NASA’s site: Liftoff to Learning: From Undersea to Outer Space:

Why Send Jellyfish into Space? Very few studies have been made of developing organisms in space. Jellyfish complete their development at a warm temperature in six days. Many of the developing structures of jellyfish resemble structures of humans, although they are less complicated. Therefore, jellyfish may be used to predict events which may occur in embryos of more complex life forms during spaceflight.

You have to love that understatement: "jellyfish resemble structures of humans, although . . . less complicated." Indeed.

Tiny, baby jellyfish were flown on the Space Shuttle in plastic bags in an incubator.

Followed by a lesson plan for use in the classroom. Fortunately, nothing live, although somewhat cryptically the site does say that "Live jellyfish may also be available for salt water aquariums."

The Candy and Jellyfish Sky

Last July I had a UFO-jellyfish dream that I posted on my blog Saucer Sightings. I called it The Candy and Jellyfish Sky. After observing the skies with a group of people we see large jellyfish above us:

Then I see several huge jellyfish in the sky swarming right above us. This is so amazing, so beautiful! They're about the size of orcas, they're dancing and swirling and "swimming" in the sky/clouds. I get everyone's attention and we watch the jellyfish, then it dawns on us that "Hey, wait just a minute . . . jellyfish don't belong in the sky!" I, we, quickly understand that the jellyfish aren't "real" jellyfish but UFOs. I suddenly seem to be full of knowledge that the jellyfish appearance is "how they cloak themselves" I tell everyone. "They've been doing this for years," I say.

After awhile, the Jellyfish UFOs morph into something else; candy, and most of the people are relieved. Believing that the UFOs weren't UFOs after all, just a fun, simple ad for candy in the sky. But I know better. Things take a surreal turn:

Oh," everyone laughs, relieved. "It's just an ad for candy!"

I can still see, faintly, a few jellyfish/UFOs in the sky, but they've gone dim and are in the background a bit. I tell everyone "No, you're wrong! That's what they want you to think! It's not real."

Someone says "Of course they're not real; it's a commercial for candy!"

Exasperated, I say "Not that! I mean, the jellyfish are real, it's the candy that isn't!"

"Why would the jellyfish pretend to be candy?" Someone asks me, suspiciously, as if I've somehow caused the whole thing. Worse, that I'm up to no good.

Somehow I know things I didn't realized I knew, as if the jellyfish are sending information to my head. "I mean, the government knows about the jellyfish, and they're using the candy to distract us from the jellyfish UFOs."

I end up in Trickster land to be sure, trying to out think the whys of the jellyfish mind:

Later, I briefly wonder why, if the jellyfish don't want to be seen, are they appearing as jellyfish in the sky? Isn't that contrary to where jellyfish reside? Then again, this reversal of jellyfish habitat might be so that we do pay attention. After all, they're aware that they will be denied, so appearing as jellyfish or some other out of place object would be sure to get noticed.

The dream conjures up the idea of sentient jellyfish. Trickster behavior for sure; brilliant jewel like sea candy in the sky, disguised as jellyfish, as candy, but in reality, UFOs. Attracted by the immediate glee of getting candy, the hugeness of space, of UFOs, of aliens, goes undetected.

And Lastly: The Trickster and the Jellyfish Card

As I was finishing this piece, I Googled "trickster jellyfish" just for fun and not having any idea if anything interesting would turn up. What came up were links to Trickster on-line, and references to The Jellyfish Card in a Pokeman -like card game. Like Mexican wrestling, I’m ignorant of the intricacies of this realm -- no doubt there are some of you out there who know all about this -- but for me, it’s all new.

In all this jellyfish activity it seems the jellyfish are as much as active participant in this play (NASA, gene splicing, natural phenomenon as UFO, etc.) as we are.

So what does this all mean? I’m not sure. Just now, as I was ready to send this off to Tim here at BoA, I said to my husband Jim "I have no idea what this means; jellyfish and space." He said "Really? Jellyfish and space?" "Yep," I said. He responds "Cool. I love jellyfish in space. It’s very appropriate; jellyfish might as well be in outer space. They’re very alien." Guess so.