I have recently heard several people in the UFO field talking on different podcasts about the ETH being considered an absurd idea. I have the feeling that the same sentiment is becoming increasingly popular among people sharing the same interest in the field. ETH? Ridiculous for them, instead they like to believe that those strange and enigmatic beings are from this same planet.
Sounds completely logical...yeah right!
I understand if you are a complete skeptic and rule out both ideas. But if you believe there's some truth in this phenomenon, as I do, and rule out one of them, I would say: How can you be so certain?
For me, both theories are as probable as they are improbable. The UFO field is dedicated to the investigation of an unknown phenomenon. Meaning, the laws we know that have been conveyed by scientists throughout the years do not apply here. Why? Because so far, we have no idea who these people / beings are. So, from that stand point, how can someone rule out one thing or another? How can someone put limitations as to what they are and what they can do? We just DON'T KNOW...that means that everything can apply.
My first exposure to the ETH goes back to 1973. My name "MARLA" (I write it uppercase letters because most of the time people change my name to "Maria") was given to me by my Mom who was a big fan of a contactee in México. Her name was "Maria del Socorro Perez" but her alias was MARLA. She spoke about her contact with alien beings in a variety show called "Esta noche con Manolo Fabregas."
Maria del Socorro Perez created something that was called sort of like "electronic medicine." I have also read it as "quantum medicine" (whatever that means). She and her group had this institution where they supposedly healed people by putting little crystal pyramids around a specific area in the body. As crazy as that sounds, my mom took our entire family to México D.F. to meet her. I met this woman (have some blurry memories about it) and she gave us a tour of her institute. My Dad brought home a small green crystal pyramid and, until high school, I had it with me but lost it.
My mom, despite being a witness to several UFO sightings, is no longer interested in the phenomenon and I completely understand her position. She still believes in it (you can't get rid off your own personal experiences), but her interest in knowing more about it has faded away.
The next case about aliens I heard about in México was Edward "Billy" Meier. Jaime Maussan, on the show 60 minutes, presented an extensive investigation regarding his case. The first pictures and videos were okay, but then some of the things were just too ridiculous in my personal opinion.
The next case I heard about that caught my attention was (as I mentioned in previous columns) during a marathon show of UFOs with Nino Canún. The show was called "Y usted que opina con Nino Canún" and, that day in December 1993, two contactees were there to give testimony of their own experiences: Amaury Rivera Toro (from Puerto Rico) and Carlos Díaz (from Tepoztlán, México).
Amaury Rivera's case was being investigated by Puerto Rican investigator Jorge Marti. With his support, Amaury started talking about his personal experiences. He sounded like a humble, honest and simple man; brief and to the point. I later bought his book. Since I am not an investigator that was involved in his case, everything is limited to my personal opinion. Unless you know otherwise, I thought there was truth in his words.
Then, in the middle of the show, the secret identity of the man highly publicized by Jaime Maussan as one of the most important contactee cases after Billy Meier (again, Maussan's words) decided to reveal himself to the public. His name: Carlos Díaz.
Carlos seemed to be a very humble person. His job was to take pictures and videos for wedding and events of that nature. His personal experience sounded very impressive and, aside from sharing it, he also showed some photographs and videos of an unidentified flying object. His case was supported by Mr Quezada, who conducted a field investigation and computer analysis of the pictures and videos revealing interesting results.
His case was very questionable because, according to some of the skeptics in the panel, Carlos refused to provide the negatives of his pictures to be investigated. Also, his profession was another warning sign, due to his skills with photographic and video equipment.
At that point in time, Adobe Photoshop and Final Cut were not accessible pieces of software as they are today. If that case was a hoax, as many people claim it was, he did a pretty impressive job.
The only thing that I found overwhelming was his talking. Carlos talked for large periods of time uninterrupted. That makes me wonder, however, I find that not to be an objective reason to doubt someone's experience.
For a short period of time, Carlos became an important character in the UFO field in México. I remember he even went to Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas, México) to give a conference. My best friend recorded it for me.
For some unknown reason to me, Jaime Maussan stopped investigating Carlos Díaz case and the German investigator Michael Hesseman took over. He produced, in 2000, a group of videos called Ships of Light (that can be found on YouTube) describing Carlos case in detail. Michael Hesseman, as well as Mr Quezada, did a lot of field investigation and spoke to a lot of the people in Tepoztlán. They have the certainty that Carlos case is real, because of the many other witnesses testimony and computer analysis on pictures and videos.
I have read a lot of people saying that Carlos faked the pictures, but they never gave the specifics as to how he did it and how it was proven to be a hoax. So if you know anything about it, please share.
Again, this is limited to my personal perspective because I was not the investigator directly involved in his case. But, to this day, I still consider Carlos case to be very interesting. Just to be clear, "interesting" doesn't necessarily mean "real."
The last thing to catch my attention was UMMO. Juan José Benítez in his book #50: "El hombre que susurraba a los ummitas" explains in detail about this controversial case. As ridiculous as you think the UMMO case is, the details in his book will surprise you in a good way. He made a pretty impressive investigation.
I know JJ Benítez is a controversial writer, and I have to admit, I was very disappointed after Mirlo Rojo. However, I still think his book about UMMO (if real) provides information that will leave people thinking.
Again, when presented with an unknown phenomenon nothing can be ruled out. I mean it from a generic perspective (specific cases aside). Unless you have had evidence and direct contact, to say, without a single doubt, that the ETH is false ... nobody can say for certain anything about this phenomenon, no matter how intelligent and knowledgeable people think they are.