9.24.13: Aaron Cadieux and Manny Famolare
Filmmakers Aaron Cadieux and Manny Famolare discuss their new documentary on the Bridgewater Triangle. We cover cult crimes, bizarre murders, UFO sightings, Bigfoot, Puckwudgies, paranormal territory battles, and ghostly encounters ... all found within a small patch of land known as the Bridgewater Triangle. More info on Aaron & Manny's film can be found at thebridgewatertriangle.com
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9.17.13: Paul Kimball
Resident scallywag of the paranormal, Paul Kimball, joins BoA LIVE for a free flowing conversation which delves into UFOs, disclosure, consciousness, the media, ancient aliens and monuments, as well as a whole bunch of other fun stuff.
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9.10.13: William Zabel
Incomparable conspiracy researcher William Zabel joins us for an in-depth discussion on Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook, and other odd shooting events. Plus, 9/11, Satanic cults, attempts to provoke Biblical armageddon, and possible threats on his life by nefarious forces.
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9.3.13: Jeremy Vaeni
The illustrious Jeremy Vaeni joins the program for a one night only Good Parade reunion, where we talk about his new book, Into the End, his 40th birthday, the state of Ufology and trying to figure out the UFO phenomenon, Fukushima, and, in pop culture tidbits, Sharnado and Miley Cyrus.
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8.20.13: Jason Offutt
Longtime friend of BoA:Audio, Jason Offutt, joins us to talk about odd paranormal stories, his Summer holiday to the UK, and his new book Across a Corn-Swept Land which details his epic Canadaventure in search of beer.
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8.13.13: Nick Redfern & Bruce Rux - Debut Episode
Our first foray into live programming begins with an epic show featuring two hugely popular BoA:Audio guests sharing the stage for the very first time ... Bruce Rux & Nick Redfern. We discuss the pyramids, how technology has enveloped the human race, NSA spying, UFOs and UFO disclosure, tales of MIB encounters, and tons more.
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