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BOA : Audio
(3 Hours)

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(Full Show MP3 : 3 Hours)
(Split into 2 parts for easier download)
(MP3 A : 90 minutes)
(MP3 B : 90 minutes)


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The maestro of Radio Misterioso and longtime friend of the program, Greg Bishop returns to BoA:Audio for our annual look back at the past year in the world of the paranormal. For two hours, we dig into 2014 and share our thoughts on stories a myriad of paranormal news stories of the past twelve months and then spend an additional hour just shooting the breeze and talking about the world of podcasting and stuff from our respective lives.

In hour one, we discuss the MH370 disappearance and all the crazy theories surrounding it as well as a lengthy conversation about the state of ufology as 2014 draws to a close, focusing on the GAIPAN UFO conference, the NSA losing its UFO files, the Roswell alien photo controversy, Bill Clinton talking about UFOs on Jimmy Kimmel, and the preponderance of UFO videos which continue to swamp the field of ufology.

The second hour sees us looking at the year in Bigfoot research and where it seems to be headed in 2015, the Sony hack and what it means for the future of the Internet, Ferguson and the media manipulation aimed at dividing the country, the copycat effect surrounding Robin Williams' suicide, and the passing of Roger Leir.

Our third hour is more of a pure jam session as Binnall shares his 'hot or not' forecast for the paranormal in 2015 and then we discuss New Year's resolutions, which leads to a spirited conversation about podcasting, quitting smoking, Yuengling beer, and a whole bunch of random other stuff as we forget we're doing a show and just talk until BlogTalk literally shut the show down at 2 AM.

And for the nostalgic folks in the audience, here is a back catalog of our previous Year-in-Review episodes ...

The 2013 Year-in-Review Special

The 2012 Year-in-Review special

The 2011 Year-in-Review special

The 2010 Year-in-Review special

The 2009 Year-in-Review special -
Part One & Part Two

The 2008 Year-in-Review special -
Part One & Part Two

The 2007 Year-in-Review special

Coming in 2015 ...