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BOA : Audio
(2 Hours, 17 Minutes)

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(Full Show MP3 : 147 Minutes)
(Split into 2 parts for easier download)
(MP3 A : 71 minutes)
(MP3 B : 65 minutes)


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BoA's spring session continues as we welcome author and podcaster Aaron Gulyas for a conversation about flying saucer lore and the colorful characters who inhabited UFO World in the past. Among the specific topics covered during the program as Aaron's reflections on the evolution of his excellent podcast The Saucer Life, 80s UFO figure Bill English, how people disappear from the world of the paranormal oftentimes on purpose with no wish to return, contactee Reinhold O. Schmidt, UFOs in pop culture, the weird case of Valiant Thor, the business of the paranormal and UFO fandom, Aaron's forthcoming work on triumphalist conspiracy theories, and his trip last summer down to Kelly, Kentucky, where the legendary goblin case unfolded.

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