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BoA:Audio wraps up our marathon of returning guests with an epic three hour conversation with the prolific and loquacious Paul Kimball discussing his book The Other Side of Truth. Over the course of this vast conversation, we'll delve into the paranormal, religion, skeptics, true believers, whether the human race is a failed species, synchronicity, the envelopment of technology onto the human race, and a lengthy exchange about the afterlife.
It's a massive conversation which spans space and time, looks at life and death, and examines aliens and elves with longtime friend of the program, paranormal pundit extraordinaire, Paul Kimball. Full Preview: We begin the conversation by reflecting on how the Kimball / Binnall connection first began back when BoA:Audio launched. We then embark on our discussion of Paul's book The Other Side of Truth, first finding out why he decided to write a book after he seemingly retired from UFO punditry last time we'd heard from him and why he decided to have the book share the title as his blog. This leads to us talking about how the paranormal, as a whole, and when, in history, it became taboo to discuss it, considering many legendary and historic figures have had paranormal experiences.
This segues into Paul talking about how religion in the western world has created a paranormal undercurrent to society. That line of thought then extends to the squabbles between 'true believers' and skeptics and the futility of these ongoing feuds. Paul also reflects on science, as a whole, and how it is misused in some quarters. Next we explore one of the central themes of the book and that is the idea that paranormal phenomena is a form of 'art' being performed by a higher intelligence. This begins with a lengthy exploration of Paul's contention that the textbook motivations ascribed to ETs simply do not fit what we know about the present scenario.
Continuing the 'paranormal as art' hypothesis, Paul reflects on art as a whole and how its role as a message may be the key to understanding the unknown. Having detailed his belief in what the paranormal is and what art is, Paul then connects the two to elucidate the 'paranormal as art' thesis, which includes some talk about movies, puzzles, and synchronicity. We then ponder if there may be an ET experiment underway or some miscommunication on the part of ETs and if these ideas fit into the 'paranormal as art' hypothesis. Paul also speculates on how this art may be a teaching tool being used by 'the others' to spawn humans to question their reality.
We then examine the idea, expressed in Paul's book, that the human race is a failed species that doesn't deserve to survive. He extrapolates by observing how perspective plays a role in history and how, at the end of the day, warfare and killing is the common theme of the human condition. This leads to some talk about whether humans have merely been misled rather than predisposed to evil deeds. Paul also addresses the more positive side of the human race and the potential for underlying 'goodness' within people. That said, he also reflects on the American response to 9/11 and how it represents an 'abdication of responsibility.'
This leads to us discussing whether or not the negativity of the human race can be turned around into something more positive. Somehow this turns into us talking about the concept of ancient aliens and how the scientific determination of the Earth's age ironically allows for visitors to the planet in the vast recesses of history, which also ends up with us talking about time travel. Covering another aspect of The Other Side of Truth, we hear about the synchronicities that Paul experienced during his visit to LA a few years ago and we contrast that with an incident from the taping of Paul's ghost hunting show which he ascribed to coincidence.
Our conversation then turns toward some of the paranormal events which Paul experienced while taping the ghost hunting TV show and how he wrestled with the implications of these events even during the shooting of the program. Moving into other areas discussed in the book, we take a brief detour to talk about Rainbow Valley on Prince Edward Island, Canada, a family theme park that went out of business a few years ago. We also talk about Paul's longstanding refusal to get a cell phone and he extrapolates on how this is his one 'Walden moment' that he still maintains. This leads into the frequent bailiwick of the program: the overwhelming number of people who are constantly 'hooked up' to the internet.
This discussion on people being enveloped by technology, Paul connects this human disconnection to the finale of Battlestar Gallactica and his desire to, someday, leave society behind and move to a cabin in the woods. We also muse about the potential longterm implications of humans becoming slaves to technology. Reflecting on the frailty of human life, Paul talks about his annual pilgrimage to the grave of his high school friend who died in a car accident a few years after Paul had his own near-fatal car accident. Paul also talks about his publishing of the blog writings of Mac Tonnies and what led him to produce the three-volume work.
Following that, we delve into another big topic discussed in The Other Side of Truth, which is how Paul is convinced that the afterlife involves an entry into a collective consciousness. We being this facet of the conversation by finding out how Paul became convinced of this determination in the first place. We then work through Binnall's reservations about leaving individuality behind in the afterlife. This exchange includes insights on Christian socialism, the Protestant work ethic, and supermodel Kate Upton. We also discuss the issues surrounding the continuation of personality or sentience in this collective unconscious afterlife.
Heading towards the close, we find out where folks can get The Other Side of Truth and then discuss how Paul feels about taking on the role of the 'intellectual caretaker' for the late Mac Tonnies and the process by which he created the book Posthuman Blues, Volume One. We also get an update on Beyond Best Evidence as well as what other projects may be in the works from Paul's Red Star Empire.
His films include the documentaries Stanton T. Friedman Is Real, Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings, Denise Djokic: Seven Days Seven Nights, Synchronicity, and Fields of Fear, the television series The Classical Now and Ghost Cases, and the feature films Eternal Kiss and Damnation. His paranormal-themed blog, The Other Side of Truth, has been read by over 1,000,000 people since its creation in 2005, and he has appeared on myriad radio and television programs over the past decade to discuss his films, including Coast to Coast, The X-Zone, Binnall of America, Radio Misterioso, Night Fright, The Paranormal Podcast, and Strange Days Indeed. He has written for various magazines, including Phenomena and Alien Worlds, and spoken at a number of conferences in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Paul lives in his hometown of Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he continues to enjoy chocolate chip cookies, the zen of the vanilla milkshake, and slow walks to nowhere in particular.
His website is redstarfilmtv.com
Sharon Hill
Doubtful News
BoA:Audio ventures into the land of skepticism with Sharon Hill,
editor the excellent website Doubtful News.