gm3.0So you all probably thought you were rid of me, but I am back!

The stupid dress, which is blue and black, unless you see white and gold; has been going viral on facebook.



Anyhow, thanks to that and another color related thing I read, I was reminded of a column I wrote here at BoA years ago.  The column was about how witnesses often seem to see things differently and I used an example of being robbed at a certain place I worked and how I swore the robber had a certain color shirt and the girl working with me swore it was a different color.  As I recall, one of us thought blue and the other green.  Also, it had always perplexed me that flowers I think are purple are often thought to be blue by others.


The color discrepancies are explained well here.  I saw 34 colors, so apparently I see more than more people.  Although, it may not matter the exact color of a UFO, there may also be other things that humans perceive differently for whatever reason, like size and shapes and it is the difference in description, among many other things, that skeptics use against us.  However, I know that police consider that pretty normal, but they aren’t skeptics, they interview people daily about what they have seen.   Just because one person saw a guy in a blue shirt and the other saw a guy in a green shirt, it doesn’t mean the robbery didn’t happen.  However, according to the logic of debunker/skeptics witnesses not agreeing would mean a UFO sighting (or whatever) didn’t occur.

The weird thing for me is that the photo of the dress I have posted here switches back and forth between white and gold and blue and black for me.  I never know which colors it will be will I click on it.

Well, and assuming all that color “cone” related stuff is true, it makes me wonder if there aren’t certain people who may more easily see what are referred to as UFOs or ghosts and other paranormal things?  Perhaps there are other frequencies (for lack of better word) that a lesser portion of the population can pick up on and see?

Just some thoughts.  I will try to post some more often.

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